• Academics - Discipline - Leadership

"To Help Young Men Become Real Men"

Blount Youth Academy was established in 1983. Our mission is to provide a safe, nurturing, structured environment for youth ages ten to twenty two years old who require inner reconstruction. We teach them life skills that develop positive self-esteem, positive self-discipline, and leadership as they prepare for successful transition back to their families and communities. Our therapeutic home environment strives to teach teamwork, respect for the land, and we provide the opportunity to experience real life values, to gain peace of mind, self assurance and spiritual enhancement.

"Our Philosophy"

The operating philosophy of the Blount Youth Academy is that many of these emotionally disturbed young men are reacting normally to abnormal situations. We believe that more often the not, the behaviors these young men have developed and the diagnoses they have can be overcome and manageable when the young men are given a place of stability, an absence of threats and negative influences, and a sustained opportunity to set a new pattern of behavior.

"Vision Statement"

To provide a safe, nurturing environment for young men ages 10 years old to 18 years old who are ultimately able to develop positive self-esteem, discipline and leadership as they prepare for a successful transition back to their families and community. The home strives to teach teamwork, respect for the land, to experience the many values of life, to gain peace of mind, self-assurance and to enhance their spirituality.
